Assoc. prof. dr. Costin Moisil


Costin Moisil is an associate professor at the National University of Music Bucharest, where he teaches Ethnomusicology and Academic Writing. He is interested in Orthodox church music – especially the Byzantine music – which he studies from both a musical and an ethnomusicological perspective.

Costin Moisil is an associate professor at the National University of Music Bucharest, where he teaches Ethnomusicology and Academic Writing. He is interested in Orthodox church music – especially the Byzantine music – which he studies from both a musical and an ethnomusicological perspective. An alumnus of the religious music department of NUMB, Moisil conducted his  doctoral studies in music (historical musicology) at the University of Athens, under the supervison of Katy Romanou.

He worked for 20 years in the Ethnomusicology Department of the Romanian Peasant Museum, together with Speranța Rădulescu and Florin Iordan, thus contributing to the creation of the series of CDs with traditional music called Ethnophonie. Between 2003 and 2017 he was the Vice-President of the Netarie Protopsaltul Association. He was an Odobleja Fellow of the New Europe College (2012-2013) and a member of the musicology research group in the same institution (2020-2021).

His most recent book is Construcția unei identități românești în muzica bisericească (The Construction of a Romanian Identity in Church Music) (UNMB Publishing House, 2018 . He also contributed three chapters to the volumes Noi istorii ale muzicilor românești (New Histories of

Romanian Music) (eds. Valentina Sandu-Dediu and Nicolae Gheorghiță; Musicală Publishing House, 2020) and a chapter to the volume Manele in Romania (ed. Margaret Beissinger, Speranța Rădulescu, Anca Giurchescu; Rowman & Littlefield, 2016).

Between 2015 and 2020 he was editor of the journal Musicology Today: Journal of the National University of Music Bucharest.


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