Byzantine Choir of "Chesarie Episcopul" Orthodox Theological Seminar of Buzau
The Byzantine Choir of the Orthodox Theological Seminar of Buzau was created in 2009 by Archdeacon Prof. Constantin Stoica, a boarding supervisor at that time.
In 2011, the group has launched its first disc, ”Introducere în octaihia bizantină. Cântări din ms. Z26 de la mănăstirea Marea Lavră din Sfântul Munte Athos” / ”Introduction to Byzantine octave. Chants from manuscript Z26 of Great Lavra Monastery from Mount Athos” (The Anastasimatarion of Mihalache Moldovlahul); in 2012, the choir has released another album called ”Tezaur musical bizantin” / ”Byzantine musical treasure”.
During the few years of activity, the Byzantine Choire of the Theological Seminar of Buzau has received the following awards: Special Prize of the Jury at the "Gavriil Musicescu" International Choral Competition, section Psaltic Interpretation (high school level), Iasi, 2014; First Prize at the "Gavriil Musicescu" International Choral Competition, section Psaltic Interpretation (high school level), Iasi, 2015; First Prize at the National Competition of Psaltic Music for Theological High Schools and Seminars, Bucharest, 2017; First Prize at the National Competition of Psaltic Music for Theological High Schools and Seminars, Bucharest, 2019.
Constantin Stoica - conductor
In 2006, Archdeacon prof. Constantin Stoica has graduated the Theological Seminar of Buzau and he is a PhD candidate at the National University of Music of Bucharest, section of Byzantine studies. In 2009, he created the Byzantine Choir of the Theological Seminar of Buzau and, in 2013, the Vlacho-Byzantine Choir formed by the Seminar's alumni. Since 2016, he undertook the musical direction of "Serafimii" Children's Choir. All of these groups that Archdeacon Constantin Stoica directs and conducts have received numerous awards at different county, national and international festivals and competitions.