Choir of the School of Ecclesiastic Music

Beirut, Lebanon

The School of Ecclesiastic Music (SEM) is affiliated to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Mount Lebanon and was established in 1997, with the blessings of Metropolitan George Khodor. Two years later, in 1999, the school formed its own choir. SEM Choir immediately distinguished itself with its exceptional performances of peculiar compositions that echoed the evolution of the ecclesiastical heritage without departing from tradition.

The School of Ecclesiastic Music (SEM) is affiliated to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Mount Lebanon and was established in 1997, with the blessings of Metropolitan George Khodor. Two years later, in 1999, the school formed its own choir. SEM Choir immediately distinguished itself with its exceptional performances of peculiar compositions that echoed the evolution of the ecclesiastical heritage without departing from tradition.

The SEM Choir soon gained renown and besides performing all over Lebanon, it held concerts in countries such as Syria, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Greece, London, France, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria and Norway. The choir also participated in local and international festivals such as the Beirut Chants Festival (Lebanon), the Bustan Festival (Lebanon), the Dimitria Festival (Thessaloniki-Greece), the 2,000th anniversary of the Greek Church (Athens, Greece), the St. Vladimir Festival of orthodox singing (Valaam, Russia), Transylvania International Byzantine Music Festival (Brasov, Romania).

Corul Școlii de Muzică Bisericească din Liban

Besides its singular performances, the choir was also a pioneer in inviting Greek chanters to participate in its concerts - an initiative which opened the door wide for the exchange of music experiences. The choir has produced over 20 audio recordings so far and has participated in several television programs. All of its performances and recordings are available through the choir's virtual platforms:

- Facebook:

- Website:

- Instagram:

- YouTube:

Every year, members of the SEM choir donate their time to take part in the patron saints' feasts at the different monasteries in Lebanon, joining the many parishes in sharing the beauty and the depth of Byzantine music. 

With the blessings of His Eminence Selwan Moussi, Metropolite of Mount Lebanon, the SEM Choir is mainly based in Mount Lebanon but the choir's effect and legacy on Byzantine music span the globe.


Attorney Joseph Yazbeck (conductor)


Lebanese, married with three children.

Bachelor's degree in Law from Saint Joseph University - Jesuit University.

Postgraduate Diploma in Private Law from the Lebanese University.

MBA from the American University of Beirut.

Managing Partner of Yazconsult offices in Lebanon, UAE, and Estonia.

Legal and financial advisor to several governments in the world in the field of strategic projects and sustainable development.

Studied Byzantine notation reading with Mr Henry Naima and Father Melhem Hourani.

Developed the modern curriculum for teaching ecclesiastic music according to the tradition of Constantinople.

Founded the School of Ecclesiastical Music (SEM) in the Archdiocese of Mount Lebanon.

Founded as well the Choir of Mount Lebanon Archdiocese. Led the choir in its concerts, liturgical services, and recordings in Lebanon, Greece, Syria, Jordan, Qatar, the Emirates, Turkey, Cyprus, Britain, Bulgaria, and Russia.

Ergastiri Psaltiki Choir, under the auspices of Archbishop Ieronymos II Archbishop of all Greece, honored him along with four other composers of Byzantine music in Athens.

The Hellenic Conservatory of Arts and Music in Athens honored him with a Golden Diploma in Byzantine Music.

Founded and led the Antiochian choir and composed for it by mandate from the Patriarch of Antioch, John the Tenth and the Holy Antiochian Synod; the choir gathered, for the first time, chanters representing all the Antiochian dioceses.

He researched, compiled, analyzed and developed the manuscripts and recordings of the Byzantine Antiochian musical heritage of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Then developed the tree of discipleship of the Antiochian cantors and their schools.

Published several articles addressing aspects related to the history, practice, and theory of Byzantine music.

Joseph Yazveck

Well known composer in Byzantine music with more than 5000 pages of compositions.

Founded and operated the programs of the "Voice of Grace" radio; the radio station of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East.

Established the "Antiochian Kithara” ensemble for non-liturgical ecclesiastical chants.

Also founded the "Byzantine Collection" for Byzantine Chants recording and production.

Heads “Byzantium” foundation dedicated to the diffusion of Byzantine music.


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