Festival Schedule

Wednesday - 26th of September

Divine Liturgy


The Psaltic Choir "Chivotul" of the Metropolitan Cathedral" (Iași, Romania)

Panagiotis Neochoritis (Constantinople) and members of the Vocal-Instrumental Ensemble of Secular Music of “Romanos o Melodos” Association (Greece)

Venue: Metropolitan Cathedral of Iași, 16 Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt Avenue, Iași 

Official Opening of the Festival

In the Official Opening,”Crucea Moldavă”  (Moldavian Cross) award will be granted by the Metropolitan Diocese of Moldavia and Bukovina to Professor Dr. Georgios Konstantinou for his entire scientific, didactic and performing activity.

  • Welcome speech by His Eminence Teofan, Metropolitan Bishop of Moldavia and Bukovina 
  • Mr Mihai Chirica, Mayor of Iași
  • Mr Georgios Konstantinou (Keynote Speaker) - "Byzantine Music - Performing, Researching and Teaching"

Venue: The Dr. Iustin Moisescu Hall - Iași Metropolitan Complex

Concert of Byzantine Secular Vocal-Instrumental Music


Panagiotis Neochoritis (Constantinople) and the Vocal-Instrumental Ensemble of Secular Music of “Romanos o Melodos” Association (Greece)

Venue: Students' House of Culture

Thursday - 27th of September

10:30 P.M.- Book Launch "The Ladder of Virtues" by Grigorios Stathis

Presented by: Maria Alexandru

Venue: Tafrali Bookshop,  "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași

07:00 P.M. - Concert of Early Western Church Music

Performers: Organum Ensemble (France)

Presented by: Petre Guran

Venue: Hall of the Central University Library, Iași

Friday - 28th of September

10:00 A.M.  - Workshop – Introduction in the Study of Early Music

Run by: Marcel Pérès

Venue: ”Sinaxar” Hall, Metropolitan Museum, 16 Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt Av. Iași

08:00 P.M. - 03:00 A.M. - Vigil in Honour of the Holy Protection of Theotokos

The Choir of Hamatoura Monastery (Kousba, Lebanon)

Ioannis Hassanidis (Thessaloniki, Greece)
”Byzantion” Academic Choir (Iaşi, Romania)

Venue: Metropolitan Cathedral of Iași, 16 Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt Avenue, Iași 

The Vigil will consist of Great Vesper with Lythia, Matins and Divine Liturgy.

Saturday- 29th of September

01:00 P.M. Book launch “Koinonikon of the Old Scholars”

Venue: Metropolitan Museum

07:00 P.M. - Concert of Early Slavic Sacred Music

Sirin Ensemble (Moscow, Russia)

Venue: Students' House of Culture, Iași

Sunday- 30th of September

09:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. - Divine Liturgy

Maestors of the Psaltic Art (Athens, Greece)

The Psaltic Choir "Chivotul" of the Metropolitan Cathedral (Iasi, Romania)

Venue: Metropolitan Cathedral of Iași, 16 Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt Avenue, Iași 



06:00 P.M. - Final Concert

Concert of Psaltic Music "The Ladder of Virtues"


Maestors of the Psaltic Art (Athens, Greece)

”Byzantion” Academic Choir (Iaşi, Romania)

Venue: Metropolitan Cathedral of Iași, 16 Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt Avenue, Iași 


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