Iași Byzantine Music Festival (6th Edition)20 - 24 September 2023 Festivalul de Muzică Bizantină de la Iași (ediția a VI-a) Guests Speakers Moderators Organizers "En Chordais" Ensemble Greece Dimitrios Galanis Patras, Greece Marilyn Accaoui Leignel Lebanon Assoc. prof. dr. Maria Alexandru Thessaloniki, Greece Prof. dr. Alexander Lingas London, United Kingdom Prof. Nicolae Gheorghiță, PhD Bucharest, Romania Prof. Georgios Konstantinou Greece "Melos Paisian" Psaltic Group Iasi, Romania “Chivotul” Choir of the Psaltes of the Metropolitan Cathedral in Iași Iasi, Romania Assoc. prof. dr. Costin Moisil Romania Rirchard Barrett USA Constantin Răileanu Romania ”Sf. Inochentie de la Probota” Psaltic Choir Romania Constantin Lupu Romania ”Byzantion” Academic Choir Romania #IasiByzantine IBMF Programme Tweet Thursday - May 23rd Friday - May 24th Saturday - May 25th Sunday - May 26th