Rirchard Barrett


Short bio: Richard Barrett is the Director of Publications, Grants, and Operations for Cappella Romana, as well as Director of Music and Protopsaltis of Dormition of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church in Somerville, Massachusetts, and the Artistic Director of the Saint John of Damascus Society. As a performer, he sings regularly with the ensembles Cappella Romana, Psaltikon, the Saint Tikhon Choir, the Patriarch Tikhon Russian-American Music Institute Choir, the Archdiocesan Byzantine Choir of the GOA, and others. He has served as an invited speaker, clinician, and singer at Orthodox parishes and sacred music conferences throughout the United States. He has published scholarly articles in Greek Orthodox Theological Review, Journal of Early Christianity, and Studia Patristica, and he also writes regularly on musical topics for Orthodox Arts Journal and other publications. He holds a Master of Arts in Ancient History with minors in Medieval History and Ancient Studies, as well as a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance, from Indiana University.


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